Monday, March 30, 2009


i just found this in my year nine french book, me and meg attenpted to write a french poem

but it ended up as a song

to the tune of the australian nation anthem hahah

lol here it is

i bet you can't guess what we are singing.

(oh and there are prob spelling mistakes)

la pomme n'est pas la pomme de terre
la pomme pour moi, c'est super
miam miam, juitese et succulente
donnez moi dix vignt ou trente
j'adore la pomme, est tres tres ronde
je deteste le citron
la pomme n'est pas la pomme de terre
la pomme pour moi, c'est super!

ahahahahahh i love it



Anonymous said...

im pretty sure ours was the best in the class. Besides as we learnt the other day poetry in other languages is tres dificille. ? spelling aussi :D

TOHOlove said...

haha. what an amateur poem. ;)
yes. I know what you're saying. three years of french; i should at least know an apple poem when i see one. haha.

I actually detest french. only one more year left... ;D

ps. i lied. that poem was the best thing ever.