Thursday, January 8, 2009


my sister

my naomi

is moving away


being one of five i was used to the coming and going of siblings

but naomi was always there

at birth


growing up




and being a teenager


and now as i have finally grown old enough to appriciate you

you go

but its your life to live

and if you find that being a teacher in port lincoln is good for you

then you should do it

go follow your dreams

you know i'll be standing there on the sidelines cheering you on

i love you naomi

more than you know

and i'll miss you everyday

sisters forever and ever



SarahOakes said...

that Is so sad... I don't have a sister, I have a crazy brother but still I've always wanted a sister, but at least she'll be able to visit you right???

dorkasaur said...

you'll be fine

ive lived without an older siblng my whole life,you get more dependent on yourself and your own opinions and seem more self confident and self assured.

plus yu'll always have us

love you


NaomiW said...

That was very lovely Bethany. I will miss you very much too. Please text and call me lots, I am and will always be here for you!!! Love u loads

Naomi xxx